2018 Leadeship Message

Asia as a growth driver for our brand house offers a unique mediation of risk to the current uncertainty in global retail, economies and geopolitics.

2018 Represents a pivotal year as INFRA evolves into a proven and compelling brand management platform for the reorganized business, solidly positioning the group on a profitable growth path. This followed a reassessment of our three year strategy and a realignment to an “asset right” model.

Asia as a growth driver for our brand house offers a unique mediation of risk to the current uncertainty in global retail, economies and geopolitics.

We are profoundly inspired by the Millennial consumer we serve. This target consumer segment that’s made up of sophisticated and seasoned shoppers can be decisively brand loyal if we are able to deliver the emotional satisfaction that they seek over time. That’s the premice at heart of our 2018 endevors.

We are enthusiastic with our projected growth prospects for our three year strategic horizon (2018 – 2021). Asia as a growth driver for our brand house offers a unique mediation of risk to the current uncertainty in global retail, economies and geopolitics.

Our Mainland China business, in conjunction with our Joint Venture partners, is anticipated to drive our growth over the next three years. To solidify our expected ROI in Mainland China and other Key markets in Asia, INFRA and it’s partners will continue to seek and leverage technologies that grant us deeper insight into the unique and fast changing consumption behavior of our consumers.

A greater situational awareness of the changing retail landscape keeps us vigilant and we believe that our Asset Right model holds key to longterm success 2018 and beyond.

Ricci Kisembo | Chief Executive & CMO